Saturday, December 24, 2011

How really really...

really, really quite so very long since I wrote here! Was worried that this blog might join that shamefully long list of orphan blogs created, then abandoned by yours truly.

I am back, I am, really, and I shall stay.

Let us get to work. The past six or eight months have seen me doing, in chronological order, the following:

1. July - Stumbled and fell face-first into marma treatment involving a 20-day extreme fast (relieved me of my chronic joint problems, but also, temporarily, of any interest in life)

2. August - dive holiday in the islands

3.  September - Quiet introspection, finishing touches on poor David's posters promised back in february

4. October - out-of-control annual vacation in goa followed by weeks of hypochondria and frantic detox

5. November - Stumbled and fell face first into full-time employment

6. December - gym, sensible eating, semblance of control, not regretting work. Actually enjoying it.


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