Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Who me? I am ok!

No, I am not glossing over the fact that for two years, I have basically just disappeared. I am embarassed and run out of excuses, so I am pretending nothing is amiss.

Thing is, I procrastinate. Chronically. What to do?

How many things?

I am very drawn to "100 things or less". While that might be a long way away, I want to make a start.

I am giving myself till end of May to come up with a personal inventory list, and this is how I am planning to do it:

1. Start counting from the toothbrush upwards.
2. Disposables / renewables (soap etc) are technically not possessions (rookie slack please!).
3. Food and groceries are not posessions either, so do not count
4. Commonly owned household articles are to be divided equally among the number of householders.

This comes at a good time for me because we are in the process of a massive clearance of decades of accumulated, vaguely useful but thoroughly ignored collection of things. Junk, basically.

Will post updates here.