Saturday, February 5, 2011

Here we are.

This blog has been long coming.

In this blog I hope to build minimalism and simplicity-oriented content about everything from food, fashion and health to shopping deals and DIY projects. This blog is not about saving money; rather, it is about seeking value.


  1. Also the shell framed spectacles (no designer nonsense for him) and a defined set of checked or striped shirts that doubled up for any occasion - formal casual or social. I don't ever recall him buying a comb (not even the pocket ones). He only ever used the ones that were offered in the 'vethalai paaku' durin navratri or such events. And I could go on. But ur blog is interesting and I'll follow it, I may post a whole bunch of comments once in a while....


  2. Thank you for you comment. I think the first part of it is missing though! :-)
